Goodbye 23 and hello 24! I've always loved birthdays (or being the centre of attention usually...let's be honest) but this birthday was extra special: first birthday away from home, my CHAMPAGNE birthday as well and the first one that I actually took time to process the last 23 years and think of what I want to come from this new age. I've always believed that to want something amazing from your future you must look back, reflect, then let go...so I present to you:
- You know nothing, dude. You think you have it figured out but you really don't.
- Partying isn't the same anymore (and you've only been doing it for 2 years but it's starting to wear off).
- Hangovers are starting to hurt more.
- I would really just rather be in bed with my cat and a cup of tea.
- Baths are the best and I don't know why i went a decade without them.
- You spend most days waiting to crawl back into bed and most weeks waiting for self-care Sunday.
- I've always had a warped feeling about aging so now I take selfies because "what if this is my peak beauty and it's downhill from here?!"
- Your choice in people you spend time with in your 20's matters so much more than your teens.
- Investing time into your interests is so crucial. I don't care if no one reads this blog because this is for me.
- Actually doing more things for me was big in 23.
- Your family becomes much more important (or it did for me).
- Speaking of family...a lot of your friends are starting to have their own and it changes your friendships but man, it's such a beautiful thing.
- Feeling proud of yourself and good about yourself is a good thing and you shouldn't feel bad for it.
- Kick toxic people out of your life. Seriously. You blinked and 23 years disappeared so why waste another 23 with people who don't care about you.
- Back to skincare for a mo...wash your motherf*****g FACE and take of your motherf*****g MAKEUP. You have only this one face for your entire life. Take care of it.
- You hate making your own appointments but you don't have 'real' adults with you in Toronto so you do!
- Stop cheaping out on stuff and invest in the finer things in life. Your body is done growing and your skin is starting to mature. Get good skin cream and fancy shoes.
- Try things that scare you. Your tastes can evolve and grow even if you're stuck at 5'6.
- Your body is a wonderland. By that I mean get to know it inside and out. Inside (!!!!!) and out (!!!!!) AKA touch yo'self. If you don't know what you want how can you tell another person.
- Also if your sexual partner ain't getting it right - tell that person or else they won't ever make you feel how you want and you will be frustrated. Actually just communicate about everything and anything cause how can you be satisfied if you're withholding the key to success, yo.
- Holding grudges and wanting revenge isn't conducive to a healthy life. In the words of Elsa, let it go.
- Most importantly - you will fall, fumble and even fail. I promise you it's worth getting up again and again.
Though this list is just a mishmash of things I've achieved and learned and felt in the last year I believe all of these numbered items to be important but most importantly the last. If I could say anything to myself (and I can)...Look how far you've come. Seriously, sweetheart, you went from feeling like a failure, making terrible life choices in a city that couldn't contain you to living in a big city, pursuing your dreams and trying your hardest to become the best version of yourself. Just always get back up, every time you fall, because you deserve the moon and the stars and together we can do this.
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